Tag Archives: discuss

Too much discussion

People who aren’t in IT like to discuss things, people who are in IT don’t like to discuss things, we just do things. This fundamental disagreement causes much agony for IT guys. Our work is best done when we are in front of our computer coding or provisioning or in front of a rack installing servers and other equipment. When you pull us into a two hour strategy meeting to discuss why we need a firewall, you zap our productivity and make yourself look stupid. 

The average person doesn’t understand that you can put all the money you want into advertising, production, perks for employees, etc etc etc but if you aren’t investing in your infrastructure you have a glaring weakness within your company. You are only as strong as your weakest employee and your productivity is only as strong as the windows 95 machine you have printing labels. 

As an IT guy if everything works, we did our job. If you find us napping in our office, it’s because everything is working, this is a good thing. If you come up to us and say, “All you do is sit in front of your computer and play games.” Yes this is true, because we worked after hours and weekends to make everything work. The best IT guy and network is one you don’t notice, because it works and you never have a problem with it.

Because of this, when an IT guy is asking for something, most likely he needs it, the more automated tasks we can provide and the more reliability we can ensure, the more likely we are going to nap in our office when it’s done. And that’s ok, because everything is working. 

The following questions annoy the hell out of us.

1. Why do we need a firewall? -Really? how did you even get into this meeting?

2. Can you do this now? -No, it would have been done already if we could do it in the middle of the day.

3. Let’s discuss this. -Why? No matter how many times I explain it, you’re not going to have a clue. That’s why I am here, because I know what I’m doing and you slept your way to the top. Don’t try to understand.

4. Why did it fail? -Because you didn’t invest enough money into your infrastructure. Had you listened to me when I said you need two of everything, then this wouldn’t happen, but instead decided to buy everyone in the office polo shirts and now we lost two hours of productivity, but at least we match at the company picnic.

5. How did I get a virus, I didn’t do anything bad. -Oh no, streaming music, facebooking and downloading porn and other videos aren’t bad, that has nothing to do with the virus you got.

6. An email was blocked for size limit, let’s discuss. -No let’s not, either you want larger emails coming in or you don’t, make up your damn mind.

The average person doesn’t have a clue what an IT guy does, and they shouldn’t, it’s why we are paid well. Just listen to us and everything will be fine, and no we can’t discuss this in a meeting.

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